TPE Item List

This was last updated for TPE 0.9.2 Icon Slot Name Value Rarity P1 P2 P3 P4 Banned Req Cursed Accessory Orb of Ice 10 8 +1 Ritual +80 Spell Increase false No Accessory Yrm Secrets 25 8 +1 Lore +1 Mage King false No Accessory The Vampire's Path 100 1 +2 Vampirism +2 Swiftness false 16 DEX No Accessory Key of Opening 15 9 +2 Gate false No Accessory Leprechaun's Lyre 40 5 +3 Wealth +1 Magic Resistance +-1 Leadership false 7 CHA No Accessory Ring of Health 10 10 +2 Constitution false No Accessory The Tome of Experiments 100 1 +1 Ritual +69 Spell Increase false 14 INT No Accessory Ring of Skulls 100 1 +1 Ritual +1 Cold Resistance +2 Hero Stat false 15 INT No Accessory Ring of Fire and Ice 25 8 Casts Ring Of Ice (1% chance per hit) Casts Ring of Fire (1% chance per hit) false No Accessory Dragonstones 40 7 +1 Airmaster +1 Leadership +1 Magic Resistance false 3 CHA No Accessory Elderstones 100 1 +1 Ritual +1 Engineer +71 Spell Increase false 12 INT, 8 CHA No Accessory Ring of Heaven 40 5 +1 Regeneration +1 Extend +51 Spell Increase false 3 STR, 5 INT No Accessory The Tome of Utter Darkness 100 1 +1 Ritual +44 Spell Increase +45 Spell Increase false 14 INT No Accessory The Tome of Earth 100 1 +1 Ritual +71 Spell Increase +74 Spell Increase false 14 INT No Accessory Athorn's Legacy 100 1 +1 Witchhunter +2 Deflection Casts Foresight (3% chance per hit) false 8 STR, 13 DEX No Accessory Key of Adaptation 10 10 +2 Thievery false No Accessory Seeker of Twilight 100 1 +2 Ritual +32 Spell Increase false 15 INT No Accessory Ring of Resurrection 100 1 Casts Resurrection (3% chance per hit) false 10 INT, 11 CHA No Accessory Frozen Orb 40 5 Casts Glaciate (5% chance per hit) +-6 Swiftness false 8 INT No Accessory Soul's Snare...

42 min · Xackery

TPE Mercenary List

This was last updated for TPE 0.9.2 Knights of Fleymark ID: 1 Name: Knights of Fleymark Race: Knight Quality: 1 Cost: 75 Rarity: 5 Tags: knight 0 Code: AHEX 0 Name: Prince Francis 0 Number: 1 0 Level: 6 0 Data: Prince Francis the Paladin (level 6) 1 Code: AHDX 1 Name: 1 Number: 4 1 Level: 2 1 Data: Four Cavaliers (level 2) Durgon's Crazed Killers...

44 min · Xackery

TPE Powerups

NOTICE! This is still heavily work in progress! Expect bugs. :) This was last updated for TPE 0.9.2 Aberration of Oros ID: PBRR Allows you to merge one Contaminator, one Gazer and two Ghouls into a Pillar Of Eyes Hotkey: Used By: Plaguelords (Revenants of K'Oulis) Abominator Strain ID: PABO Allows you to merge one Slime, one Cyst Hydra and two Ghouls into an Abomination...

77 min · Xackery

TPE Spells

This was last updated for TPE 0.9.1 (Changes) AP is Ability Point Cost. Tier is 0 for the initial no pre-req spells. When reading tiers, pay attention to the # for column, and first letter (T for Top, B for Bottom) for placement and pre-reqs. Alchemy School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description Alchemy 1 0 Create Item 28 Creates an item for the caster to use (+0....

16 min · Xackery

WBC3 Army Units

NOTICE! This is still heavily work in progress! Expect bugs. :) This was last updated for WBC3 1.04b2 Barbarian Barbarian ID: ABIX Tier: Race: Barbarian Combat: 2 HP: 45 Mana: 0 Speed: 8 Damage: 5-10 Piercing Attack: None Resistance: 5 View: 7 Resists: 0,0,0,0,0,0,25 Hotkey: -- advanced -- Movement Type: Walk Used By: None General: N Advanced: N Alignment: Good Cost: 45m Flags: Medium, Land, Infantry...

43 min · Xackery

WBC3 Buildings

NOTICE! This is still heavily work in progress! Expect bugs. :) This was last updated for WBC3 1.04b2 Barbarian (Barbarian) ID: BWTB Race: Barbarian Combat: 13 HP: 325 Seconds To Produce: 45 Requires: Produces: Cost: 250g 350s Hotkey: Damage: 20-25 Piercing Resistance: 15 View: 15 Resists: 0 -- advanced -- Used By: None Camp ID: BACA Race: Barbarian Combat: 10...

54 min · Xackery

WBC3 Powerups

NOTICE! This is still heavily work in progress! Expect bugs. :) This was last updated for WBC3 1.04b2

1 min · Xackery

WBC3 Tools

This was based on a fandom page, copied over since it was riddled with ads Name Author Version Description Infinite Graphics Compressor Infinite Interactie IGC is used to convert BMPs to SSG and Infinite Interactive graphics formats, including SSBs, RLEs and RLSs'. Additional configuration can be applied for SSB files, including a remapping range and the number ID for the transparent color RLE Viewer v001 RLE Viewer is a tool which can load and display RLE image files....

2 min · Xackery