This was last updated for TPE 0.9.1 (Changes)

AP is Ability Point Cost.

Tier is 0 for the initial no pre-req spells. When reading tiers, pay attention to the # for column, and first letter (T for Top, B for Bottom) for placement and pre-reqs.


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Alchemy 1 0 Create Item 28 Creates an item for the caster to use (+0.1 rarity & +500 durability per level)
Alchemy 2 T1 Transmute 22 Exchanges one type of resource for another (50% exchange rate, +2% per level, max 90%)
Alchemy 1 TT2 Charm 10 Gives a small discount on all purchases (+4 merchant skill for 50 secs, +0.5 merchant skill per level)
Alchemy 3 TB2 Stone Golem 28 Summons Stone Golems to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 units per level)
Alchemy 4 T3 Spellforge 40 Renders items useless for enemy heroes and doubles the power of caster’s items. Does not affect mana abilities.
Alchemy 1 B1 Repair Items 15 Repairs all items inthe backpack (+1000 durability per level, can improve items from level 3)
Alchemy 3 BT2 Brew Potions 31 Creates healing potions for the caster (1 potion, +0.2 potions per level)
Alchemy 2 BB2 Acquire 20 Instantly converts mines near the caster (1 mine, +0.2 mines per level)
Alchemy 8 B3 Bronze Golem 60 Summons a Bronze Golem to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 xp levels per level)
Alchemy 4 4 Create War Machine 35 Creates a Siege Weapon to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 xp levels per level)


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Chaos 1 0 Wild Bolt 10 Deals 20 random elemental damage to 5 nearby enemy units and buildings (+3 damage per level)
Chaos 2 T1 Morph Stats 20 Randomly increase stats of nearby friendly units or decrease for enemies
Chaos 3 TT2 Chaos Plague 30 6 nearby enemy units are affected by random affliction of strength 15 (+1 target per level)
Chaos 2 TB2 Berserker 15 Burns 3 friendly living units and makes them fight better for 15 seconds(+3 combat & +2 speed & -1 vampirism, +0.6 targets per level)
Chaos 3 T3 Shamanic Call 12 Summons a shaman to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 xp levels per level)
Chaos 3 B1 Arcana Curse 25 Casts a random offensive spell from another spell sphere (+1 cast spell level per level)
Chaos 1 BT2 Silence 6 Silences, with a strength of 12, 7 enemy units nearby (+0.7 strength per level)
Chaos 4 BB2 Whispers of Madness 40 Randomly changes 8 units' sides with a strength of 10 (+0.5 strength per level)
Chaos 5 B3 Transform 45 Changes 5 friendly units near the caster into something strong (+0.2 ASP value per level)
Chaos 8 4 Mutate 75 Turns 6 enemy units into harmless animals with a strength of 16 (+1.2 targets per level)


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Chronomancy 1 0 Weatherlock 12 Weather cannot change for 2 minutes (+8 seconds per level)
Chronomancy 1 T1 Wisdom of Age 18 Up to 5 nearby friendly non-mechanical units get +5XP, up to a maximum of 10XP (+1XP & +2 max XP per level)
Chronomancy 2 TT2 Slow 30 Decreases speed and attack speed of 8 nearby enemy units (-2 speed & -3.5% a.spd for 30 secs, -0.2 speed, -0.7% a.spd per level)
Chronomancy 2 TB2 Haste 30 Increases speed and attack speed of 8 nearby friendly units (+2 speed & +3.5% a.spd for 30 secs, +0.2 speed, +0.7% a.spd per level)
Chronomancy 3 T3 Reset 60 Fully heals and cures up to 3 nearby target friendly heroes, units or buildings (+0.6 targets per level)
Chronomancy 2 B1 Overwork 18 Increaes your unit & building resource production by 15% for 20 seconds (+4 secs per level)
Chronomancy 3 BT2 Foresight 11 Increases combat of 3 nearby friendly non-mech troops and saves them from death once (+1 combat for 30 secs, +0.2 combat per level)
Chronomancy 4 BB2 Industrial Age 20 Targetted friendly building produces everything 35% faster for 40 seconds (+8 secs per level). Buildings still under construction are built 50% faster
Chronomancy 4 B3 Chronostrutter 37 Slows down the whole world but quadruples the caster’s speed/attackspeed (6 secs, +1.2 secs per level)
Chronomancy 8 4 Disintegrate 75 Instantly kills 7 living enemy troops (12 strength, +0.65 strength per level)


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Contagion 1 0 Epidemic 18 Inflicts disease on nearby enemy buildings (+100% range, +50% range per level)
Contagion 1 T1 Plague Cloud 20 Diseases all living enemies within the caster’s command radius (+50% range per level)
Contagion 2 TT2 Antidote 18 5 nearby friendly units are cured of poison, disease, lethal poison, scourge and ghoulplague (+1 target per level)
Contagion 1 TB2 Breakdown 10 Nearby enemy units get their resistance reduced for a time (-4 res, 1min, -2 resistance, +1 min per level)
Contagion 3 T3 Call of Oros 8 Summons an Eye of Oros, a Gazer, a Spore or a Contaminator (1 unit, +0.2 xp levels per level)
Contagion 4 B1 Detonating Sac 40 Friendly units gain explosive deaths for 20 secs (3 targets, +0.6 targets per level)
Contagion 3 BT2 Sickening Touch 30 Creatures near the caster gain a Disease attack (100 disease strg & +3 dam for 1 min, +1 dm & +1 min/lev)
Contagion 4 BB2 Decay 13 Decreases army limit for all enemies on the map depending on keep level (-12 to -60 food, -3 to -15 food, +1 minute per level)
Contagion 4 B3 Curse of K’Oulis 40 Turns 5 non-mechanical, non-undead enemies into neutral ghouls (10 strength, +1 target per level)
Contagion 8 4 Rot 75 Nearby enemy units have their hit points halved and are diseased (+0.6 targets per level)


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Cryomancy 1 0 Hand of Ice 10 Enchants the caster, giving +20 cold damage for 5 seconds (+1 sec per level)
Cryomancy 2 T1 Snowfall 18 Alters fine weather to snowfall and blizzards (1 min weatherlock, +7% weatherlock duration per level)
Cryomancy 3 TT2 Freeze 30 Freezes 5 nearby enemy units (as if the damage dealt was 30) and inflicts frostbites with a stregnth of 13 (+1 target per level)
Cryomancy 3 TB2 Ring of Ice 33 A hail of ice surrounds the caster, causing damage (50 cold damage, +10 damage per level)
Cryomancy 4 T3 Ice Incarnate 40 Turns the caster into an avatar of ice with cold attacks for 2 minutes (+4.5% stats per level)
Cryomancy 1 B1 Resist Ice 11 Makes 5 nearby friendly units highly resistant to cold-based attacks (+25% cold armor for 1 min, +1 target per level)
Cryomancy 4 BT2 Wall of Ice 20 Summons a Wall of Ice which has a Freeze aura of strength 13 and range 5 as if the damage dealt was 20 (+20% HP per additional level)
Cryomancy 4 BB2 Frostblade 40 3 nearby friendly units gain armor & cold damage (+20% armor & +10% cold damage for 30 secs, +0.6 targets per level)
Cryomancy 4 B3 Watercall 35 Summons a Water Elemental to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 xp levels per level)
Cryomancy 8 4 Glaciate 75 Strikes enemy units with a powerful hail of ice, freezing & frostbiting the survivors (50 cold damage, +18 damage per level)


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Divination 1 0 Spiritual Lore 14 Caster gains an aura which increases Resistance (+1 resistance for 30 secs, +0.2 resistance per level)
Divination 1 T1 Defense Lore 14 Caster gains an aura which increases Armor (+10% armor for 30 secs, +2% armor per level)
Divination 3 TT2 Telepathy 25 Newly produced troops gain XP (+1 xp level for 15 secs, +3 secs per level)
Divination 1 TB2 Calm 13 Removes all psych effects on 3 units near the caster, giving them courage (+0.6 targets per level)
Divination 4 T3 Scry 40 Caster gains line of sight of all enemy units and buildings for 10 secs (+2 secs per level)
Divination 2 B1 Mind Leech 15 Caster gains an aura which gives the ability to steal XP from foes for 30 secs(3 xp, +0.6 xp per level)
Divination 3 BT2 Comprehension 25 Researches are discounted by 15% (to a max of 75%) for 35 secs (+1% discount per level)
Divination 5 BB2 Call Mage 45 Summons a Sage, Mage, Oracle or Augur (1 unit, +0.2 xp levels per level)
Divination 5 B3 Psychic Blast 45 Creates an aura that stuns nearby enemies as if the damage dealt was 35 (10 seconds, +2 per level)
Divination 7 4 Divine Peace 70 All heroes, units and buildings cannot attack, cast spells or convert within a radius of 12 of the target location (30 seconds, 12 radius, +1.8 radius per level)


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Geomancy 3 0 Stoneskin 28 Greatly increases 5 friendly units' armor rating vs all physical attacks (+25% physical armor for 1 minute, +1 target per level)
Geomancy 2 T1 Earthpower 18 Repairs 1 friendly building in the caster’s command radius (850hp, +0.2 targets per level)
Geomancy 5 TT2 Major Repair 45 Repairs 4 friendly buildings on the map (550hp, +0.8 targets per level)
Geomancy 2 TB2 Doomstones 16 Creates large rocks which strike 3 nearby enemies (65 crushing damage, +12.5 damage per level)
Geomancy 4 T3 Reconstruction 40 Restores a nearby friendly non-wall building from a pile of rubble (affects enemies from level 3, +0.2 buildings per level)
Geomancy 2 B1 Undermine 8 Reduces armor of buildings near the caster (-25% armor for 30 seconds, +0.15 targets per level)
Geomancy 3 BT2 Homeguard 30 A friendly non-Mine building gets 20 crushing damage and 8 range for 1 minute
Geomancy 5 BB2 Summon Guardian 45 Summons a Guardian Statue to protect your lands (+20% hp per level)
Geomancy 4 B3 Earthcall 35 Summons an Earth Elemental to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 xp levels per level)
Geomancy 8 4 Earthquake 75 Stuns and deals 40 crushing damage to all enemies near the caster (+10 damage per level)


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Healing 1 0 Heal Self 10 Heals 40 points of damage on the caster (+6 hp per level)
Healing 1 T1 Cure 8 Cures disease and poison on 3d nearby friendly units (+0.5 targets per level)
Healing 2 TT2 Blessing 20 Gives 8 nearby friendly, non-mechanical units +3 combat for defense only, +15 hp for 30 secs (+0.6 combat & +3 hp per level)
Healing 4 TB2 Heal Group 28 Heals 10 nearby friendly units (+50 hp, +10hp per level)
Healing 4 T3 Life Ward 40 Protects a hero against death in battle (2 mins, 30 secs & 200 hp upon revival, +40 hp per level)
Healing 2 B1 White Ward 15 Protects 10 friendly units from psychological effects (5 res for 30 secs, +1 res per level)
Healing 2 BT2 Purify 20 Holy energy strikes 3 nearby enemy units and brings out the sun (70 magic dam, +14 per level)
Healing 5 BB2 Major Healing 10 Heals and cures 10 friendly units on the map (50 hp, +2.4 targets per level)
Healing 8 B3 Call Archon 75 Summons an Archon to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 xp levels per level)
Healing 7 4 Resurrection 70 Raises non-undead, non-mechanical units from the dead (1315 worth of hp, +270 hp per level)


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Illusion 1 0 Shadowform 12 Changes nearby allies into ethereal beings (2 speed, 10% armor for 30 secs, +0.4 speed & +2% armor per level)
Illusion 1 T1 Scare 10 8 living enemies seeing the caster becomes afraid (6 str, +0.35 str per level). Heroes resist lvl 1.
Illusion 1 TT2 Awe 10 8 living enemies seeing the caster become in awe (9 str, +0.5 str per level). Heroes resist lvl 1.
Illusion 2 TB2 Spectral Horde 20 Creates a group of illusionary warriors (3 units for 2 minutes, +0.6 units per level)
Illusion 3 T3 Call Shadow 33 Summons a Shadow to serve the caster (1 unit, 0.2 xp levels per level)
Illusion 2 B1 Light/Darkness 18 Changes day to night and night to day (1 min weatherlock, +7% weatherlock duration per level)
Illusion 5 BT2 Dragonfear 50 Creates an illusionary Dragon which casts terror (1 unit for 2 minutes, +1 terror strength per level)
Illusion 5 BB2 Invisibility 52 Makes 3 nearby friendly units invisible (30 seconds, +1 target per level)
Illusion 5 B3 Doppelganger 54 Creates an illusionary copy of your hero which can convert (1 unit for 2 minutes, +1 minute per level)
Illusion 7 4 Fools Gold 65 Creates an Illusionary Gold Mine on your side, giving +2.5 gold per second for 2 min 30 secs (+30 secs per level)


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Nature 1 0 Gemberry 10 Increases hp regeneration by +250% for 5 nearby friendly units for 10 secs(+37.5% hp regen per level)
Nature 2 T1 Summon Animals 17 Summons neutral animals and grants their vision for 1 min (1 unit, +0.5 units per level)
Nature 3 TT2 Change Weather 27 Allows the caster to affect night/day fine/rain (1 min weatherlock, +7% weatherlock duration per level)
Nature 1 TB1 Summon Sprites 10 Summons Sprites to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 units per level)
Nature 4 T3 Call Lightning 40 Calls lightning down upon 2 nearby enemy troops and buildings (235 electrical damage, +0.4 targets per level)
Nature 2 B1 Entangle 15 Slows down 8 enemies who are near the caster (-2 speed for 30 seconds, -0.2 speed per level)
Nature 2 BT2 Wall of Thorns 17 Creates a wall of brambles that damages nearby enemy units (+20% hp per level)
Nature 4 BB2 Summon Unicorns 29 Summons Unicorns to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 units per level)
Nature 5 B3 Summon Treants 49 Summons Treants to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 units per level)
Nature 6 4 Call of the Wild 55 The caster can choose one of the four Lairs to summon near him (and controls it from level 3)


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Necromancy 1 0 Raise Skeleton 6 Raises a corpse as a Skeleton to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 units per level)
Necromancy 1 T1 Raise Zombie 6 Raises a corpse as a Zombie to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 units per level)
Necromancy 1 TT2 Raise Wight 9 Raises a corpse as a Wight to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 units per level)
Necromancy 1 TB2 Raise Wraith 9 Raises a corpse as a Wraith to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 units per level)
Necromancy 1 T3 Call the Dead 36 Raises corpses as Skeletons/Zombies to serve the caster (5 corpses, +1 corpse per level)
Necromancy 2 B1 Black Portal 21 Summons a Black Portal with 5 corpses to aid in raising undead (1 minute, +10 secs & +1 corpse per level)
Necromancy 3 BT2 Darkstorm 27 Changes day to night and makes it rain at higher levels (lev 2 Causes night and rain. Storms at level 3+)
Necromancy 3 BB2 Vampirism 30 Gives 7 nearby friendly non-mechanical units vampirism (5 vampirism for 1 minute, +1 vampirism per level)
Necromancy 4 B3 Strip Flesh 40 Turns 7 non-mechanical, non-undead enemies into neutral skeletons (10 strength, +0.25 strength per level)
Necromancy 7 4 Call Undead Lord 60 Summons a liche, reaper, doomknight or vampire to serve the caster (+0.2 xp levels per level)


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Poison 1 0 Immunity 12 3 nearby friendly units become immune to poison, disease, lethal poison, scourage and ghoulplague for 30 seconds (+0.6 targets per level)
Poison 2 T1 Poison Cloud 20 Poisons all living enemies within the caster’s command radius (+50% range, +5% chance to lethally poison per level)
Poison 2 TT2 Mycotopia 18 Summons a poisonous Spore Fungus on the caster’s side at a nearby target location (+0.75 poison strength per level)
Poison 3 TB2 Venom Touch 30 3 creatures within the caster’s command radius gain a poison attack of 10 strength and +10% magic damage for 30 seconds(+0.6 targets per level)
Poison 8 T3 Call Blackguard 75 Summons a Blackguard to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 xp levels per level)
Poison 1 B1 Summon Wasps 10 Summons giant Wasps to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 units per level)
Poison 3 BT2 Viperskin 30 Gives 6 nearby friendly units +12% armor vs all damage types and feedback damage of 2 for attacking melee units (+1.2 targets per level)
Poison 2 BB2 Spray Poison 16 Sprays venomous arrows at 3 enemies within the caster’s command radius (60 magic damage, +0.6 targets per level)
Poison 4 B3 Proliferation 40 5 non-Hero enemies suffer the full extent of poison/disease with a strength of 13 (+1 target per level)
Poison 5 4 Call of Aranea 50 Summons two Sipders and a Spider Queen to serve the caster (+0.4 Spiders & +0.2 Spider Queens per level)


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Pyromancy 1 0 Hand of Flame 10 Enchants the caster, giving +20 fire damage for 5 seconds (+1 sec per level)
Pyromancy 1 T1 Rites of Dawn 14 Changes weaher into daytime fine (1 min weatherlock, +7% weatherlock duration per level)
Pyromancy 1 TT2 Resist Fire 11 8 friendly units become highly resistant to fire (25% resistance for 1 minute, +1 target per level)
Pyromancy 3 TB2 Fireball 33 Launches a ball of fire which explodes at the target location (50 fire damage, +10 per level)
Pyromancy 5 T3 Sunfall 45 Calls down pillars of fire to hit nearby enemies (175 fire damage on 3 targets, +0.6 targets per level)
Pyromancy 2 B1 Cauterize 12 Heals 8 nearby, friendly, non-mechanical units (25 hp, +5 hp per level)
Pyromancy 4 BT2 Conflagration 35 Sets 5 nearby enemy buildings on fire (22 fire damage/sec for 15 sec, +4.5 damage per level)
Pyromancy 3 BB2 Firebreath 30 Gives 3 nearby melee units firebreath attacks (half damage & 2 range for 15 secs, + 0.6 targets per level)
Pyromancy 4 B3 Firecall 35 Summons a Fire Elemental to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 xp levels per level)
Pyromancy 8 4 Armageddon 75 Calls a meteor down on target location dealing 90 fire damage on a radius of 7 (1 meteor, + 0.2 meteors per level)


School AP Tier Icon Name Cost Description
Summoning 1 0 Summon Quasits 10 Summons Quasits to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 units per level)
Summoning 2 T1 Circle of Power 16 Summons a Circle of Power to aid in summoning (1 minute, +10 secs per level)
Summoning 3 TT2 Blink Group 25 Teleports the caster and 4 friendly units nearby to a designated location (+1 target per level)
Summoning 1 TB1 Summon Imps 10 Summons Imps to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 units per level)
Summoning 2 T3 Soulharvest 20 Summons a Succubus to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 xp levels per level)
Summoning 2 B1 Corruption 0 When an enemy casts a summoning spell, you get a copy of that spell if you have enough mana (2 min 45 secs, +20 secs per level)
Summoning 4 BT2 Summon Nightmares 42 Summons Nightmares to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 units per level)
Summoning 4 BB2 Warp Gate 33 Summons a Warp Gate which can garrison units and can be un-garrisoned at any other Warp Gate you control (1 min, +15 secons per level)
Summoning 5 B3 Banish 50 Banishes 12 enemy extradimensional creatures. High level may resist (10 strength, +2 strength per level)
Summoning 8 4 Daemongate 75 Summons a Pit Fiend to serve the caster (1 unit, +0.2 xp levels per level)